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Dabur Chywanprash Is It Worth To Buy?

Dabur Chyawanprash – One of the Best Ayurvedic Chyawanprash

*Derived from a 2,500-year-old Ayurvedic formula

*Totally chemical-free, natural, and safe

*Combination of herbs and plant extracts in a base of Amla fruit pulp

*Refined by Dabur to provide traditional goodness with the best quality


Dabur Chyawanprash has a tangy, sweet, and sour taste and the consistency of jam.It can be consumed on its own, mixed with milk, or spread on bread. After eating Chyawanprash, drink warm milk in the winter. After eating Chyawanprash, drink a glass of iced milk in the summer.


1 to 2 teaspoonfuls

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What is Imunity?

Your immune system protects you from microorganisms that can cause diseases. The body's immune system sometimes fails to protect itself. It is possible to intervene in this process and strengthen the immune system, despite the difficulty. There is more than one immune system. To function effectively, it needs harmony and equilibrium. The complexity and interconnectedness of the immune response requires a lot of understanding. The immune system's effects on diet, physical activity, age, and psychological stress are still being investigated. In the interim, general healthy living practices can be used to strengthen the immune system.

Women and Immunity

It is common knowledge that autoimmune diseases favor women due to gender bias. About three-quarters of all diagnoses are made by women. One theory is that estrogens boost the immune system while testosterone tends to suppress the body's response to infection. Women's immune systems may be more likely to become hyperactive due to their stronger response. According to a more recent explanation, women have two X chromosomes, whereas men have an X and Y chromosome, and genes on the X chromosome may play a significant role in the expression of immune responses. The microchimerism phenomenon provides yet another explanation. It's when someone else's cells are present in your body. During pregnancy and childbirth, there is a significant exchange of cells between mother and child. The majority of the time, those cells are eliminated by both the mother and the child shortly after birth. However, there are times when this procedure may not be complete. The immune system is challenged by the foreign cells that "implant" in their host. An autoimmune response may be triggered by this. Either the mother or the child may experience this. Women are more likely to develop microchimerisms than men because children can be born to either sexe but all mothers are female. However, there is very little evidence to suggest that women who have had children are more likely than women who have not.

Factos Affecting Women's Immunity

Age and Immunity

Immune response capacity declines with age. It increases the number of infections and inflammatory diseases that occur. Elderly people are more likely to contract infectious diseases and to die from them than younger people. Age-related declines in T cells may be linked to an increase in infections.
It appears that nutrition and immunity are linked in the elderly. "Micronutrient malnutrition," a common type of malnutrition, is more prevalent in the elderly. Some essential vitamins and trace minerals are missing in people who suffer from micronutrient malnutrition. It's possible that older people eat fewer different kinds of foods. Supplements in one's diet may assist the elderly in maintaining a stronger immune system.

Diet and immunity

Warriors with strong immune systems require regular, high-quality nutrition. People who are malnourished are more likely to contract infectious diseases. There aren't many studies on how nutrition affects people's immune systems. Even fewer studies have found a direct link between nutrition and disease progression. Deficits in micronutrients alter immune responses. Zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E are these micronutrients. Taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement may help the immune system.

Herbs and other supplements

According to Ayurveda, some herbal preparations claim to "support immunity" or improve immune system health. Learn more about the various medicinal plants and their applications to better understand how these preparations might alter immune system components.

The stress connection

Every medical discipline has recognized the close connection between the mind and body. Emotional stress has been linked to a number of illnesses, including heart disease, hives, and upset stomachs. It is difficult to define stress. What one person may perceive as a stressful circumstance may not be so for another. Stiff relationships with family, friends, and coworkers, as well as ongoing difficulties at work, can contribute to chronic stress. It may weaken the immune system and be to blame for the higher rate of infectious diseases among people who are constantly stressed.

Effect of exercise on immunity

For a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise is very important. It reduces high blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health. It can protect against a variety of diseases and aid in weight management. Additionally, exercise helps maintain a strong immune system. It improves blood circulation, allowing immune system cells and components to function more effectively. For a healthy lifestyle, regular and moderate exercise is beneficial. It might be an important way to keep your immune system and the rest of your body healthy.


It's best to take advantage of the immune-boosting properties of certain foods and drinks.

1. Tea: The advantages of green and herbal teas are well-known. Teas made with herbs, like chamomile, due to the presence of plant-based compounds known as polyphenols, which have been shown to possess antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immune-stimulating properties.

2. Oats: Macrophages fight viruses and bacteria. They are triggered by beta-glucans, which are found in foods high in fiber. Oats are the best source.

3. Salads: Carotenoids, which can help boost the immune system, are abundant in salads made with vegetables and fruits, particularly those with deep color. The best way to eat these is with a little fat dressing. Carotenoids can't reach the intestinal absorptive cells without fat. It can be beneficial to select dressings containing healthy fats from olive or nut oils.

4. Whey: Whey protein boosts the immune system effectively. It contains a lot of the amino acid cysteine, which the body uses to make glutathione. Antioxidant glutathione is potent. It protects cells from infection by bacteria or viruses.

5. Tomato: Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant. It aids white blood cells in resisting free radical damage. Papaya, watermelons, and red carrots are additional sources.

6. Capsaicin: Consuming foods high in heat, such as capsaicin, may boost immunity. It might assist in eliminating some toxins.

7. Honey: Diabetes and cardiovascular disease are less likely to occur as a result. It also aids in the development of the immune system.


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