"Mens sana in corpore sano," goes the adage from antiquity. something similar to a healthy mind and body. In addition, it is true that mental health is just as important as physical health. You'll find advice for both here.

1. Eat Healthy and not too much
Food had to be the first healthy advice. If you don't have time to eat well, you will eventually have to find time to get sick. What we eat defines us. Because of this, we need to pay close attention to our food and nutrition. In an ideal world, we should always try to eat well. What does that imply? food that hasn't been overly processed. The more natural it is, the better. We recommend that you consume:
- Plenty of fruits and vegetables. They are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and flavor!
- Instead of using other oils or fats, use olive oil. Since I'm from Spain, this is our secret recipe for the well-known Mediterranean diet.
- Spice things up with herbs and spices to add flavor and get extra benefits. For instance, turmeric and ginger have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Eat enough protein because it can speed up your metabolism and make you feel full enough to eat less automatically. We will have better control over what we eat if we can control our cravings. Nuts, for instance, are filling, nutritious, and high in magnesium, vitamin E, and fiber.
- Eat fish and eggs instead of red meat.
- Try going vegan for a while! Although we do not intend to persuade anyone to become vegan, why not give it a try?
- Avoid refined carbohydrates, sugar, fast food, empty calories, and, most importantly, extreme diets. They are ineffective and make you irritable. Changes to your diet can be made gradually to reap the benefits.
- Take fiber and probiotics. The microbiota in your gut is crucial to your overall health. It is essential for avoiding inflammation and obesity, protects your body from other bacteria, and boosts your immune system. Therefore, ensure that your gut flora thrives and remains clean.
- Take only what you need. the appropriate size for your body, preferably slightly smaller. Avoid overeating. We have a propensity to open the fridge and stuff ourselves, especially during times of stress and anxiety. I'm guilty of committing a sin, but don't tell anyone!
- Eat nothing at all. Try not to snack frequently. Do you really require a cookie and a cup of coffee each 30 minutes?

2. Do Exercise
Cardio is the way to go here. Additionally, work your core muscles as much as you can by lifting weights. Did you know that losing belly fat will make your metabolism work faster? Burn all the extra fat and frustration by working out with a personal trainer, using a single app, or simply taking online cardio classes.
We are not used to quarantine, and the lack of movement will undoubtedly affect our bodies. We are doing Zumba together while we are in quarantine. It's fun and gets everyone, including the little one, moving.

3. Ommmm Meditationnmmm
Sit down in a peaceful location, take a deep breath, and begin to unwind. Do you need assistance with guided meditation? Stefania Brunori, our ambassador and friend, is a fantastic yoga instructor whose meditations are excellent. You can do cardio, stretch, and unwind there in a good order.

4. Take care of your relationships
I am aware that it may come across as unscientific—is that even a word? However, in reality, this is supported by scientific and geeky studies. You will live longer if you feel loved. Therefore, nurture your relationships with friends and family and take care of them. You and everyone else in your life are both here to learn something from one another. When you are open to this, you will notice that the universe sends you amazing people to help you improve and learn your lessons.

5. Sleep well
The following wellness tip is one that we often overlook, but as a new mom, I can tell you that not getting enough sleep is the worst thing that can happen. Sleep deprivation can lead to insulin resistance, alter hormones that control appetite, and lower physical and mental performance. In addition, it may result in obesity and weight gain. So what should I do?
- Give your stomach time to process the food before going to bed or don't eat a lot before going to bed.
- Avoid screens. Even if you're extremely tired, all those bright lights will awaken you.
- Try valerian or melatonin if you are severely sleep deprived or have insomnia. During sleep, our body will naturally produce melatonin.

6. Drink plenty of water
Most of us are water. We need to drink enough water to stay hydrated. See, I didn't say liquids but water. Fizzy drinks are something I strongly detest. For me, a headache is one of the first signs that I'm dehydrated.
Before meals, drinking water is best. According to one study, drinking two cups of water 30 minutes before each meal led to a 45 percent increase in weight loss. One of the strongest women I know is my mother, who has done this every morning for years. She will start her day by taking a shower and drinking two glasses of water in the morning.

7. Take your vitamin D
Ideally, we should go outside and get our daily dose of Vitamin D from the sun because our bodies make it. Therefore, we must endure it for at least 15 minutes each day. Check to see if there is a terrace where you can sunbathe or sit in front of the window if we are in the middle of the quarantine and cannot leave. Serotonine production is sparked by vitamin D, which also helps our bones, prevents depression, and lowers cancer risk. Because this deficiency can affect the development of your baby, it is even more important if you are pregnant.
Consult your doctor or take vitamin D supplements as a supplement if you are unsure whether you are deficient.

8. Connect with Nature
Being in the midst of nature is unlike anything else! Because we are a part of Mother Earth, this connection is so essential to our collective well-being. Feel the grass on your feet, the sun on your face, and the wind in your hair as you give that tree a hug. Ahhh! Breathe in. You are present. If you're feeling down, anxious, or stressed, all you need is some fresh air and connection. Check to see if you can grow some vegetables on your terrace while you are in the house. Nothing particularly sophisticated is required.
Let me demonstrate my approach. making use of the egg tins as miniature pots to plant the seeds. So far, I've planted pumpkins, lentils, tomatoes, and peppers. All from leftover food! It's easy, sustainable, and doesn't take up much space.
9. Do things that make you happy
Although it may sound trite, this is crucial. Because we produce dopamine, which makes us feel happy and inspired, when we are happy. Hormones are very important to our mood, so we should make sure they are on our side.
Put on some music and do what you love to do—dancing, writing, playing with my young daughter, listening to podcasts, and so on. Therefore, I ensure that I have a small amount of it each day. My husband enjoys watching Netflix and reading, and my friend Elianne enjoys baking and wakeboarding. Whatever it is that you enjoy doing, just do it!
If you are interested in the pursuit of happiness, I can recommend one book: Gretchen Rubin's project called Happiness.
10. Have a happy mindset
With the coronavirus, we really don't know what will happen next, as I am aware. Some people talk about the global health and economic disaster that COVID-19 will cause. However, the truth is that we can control our thoughts, but not what it might be. Bring happiness and positivity into your life.
Also, stay away from toxic people who cause you to think toxic things. Not only is it bad for them, but even worse, it is bad for you! Simply say "Khalas!"

11. Hug & Kiss
And kiss, whisper, tickle, and play with their hair—we are social creatures who require physical contact. Being human involves it. if you have a partner, a friend, a daughter, a pet, or both! Just let them know how much you care about them!
12. Take care of yourself
Yes, all of the above already takes care of you! However, with this heading, we want to stress the importance of taking time for yourself and engaging in activities that help you unwind. Put your feet in hot water or in that foot massager, light a candle, or use an oil diffuser. Simply indulge!
13. Avoid the routine or not!
Throughout my travels, I have learned something. We are all unique individuals with distinct personality traits, preferences, and interests. Some say that routine is good for them because it gives them some control and certainty. The opposite is required by others. Excitedness and uncertainty.
The majority of us fall somewhere in between, leading lives that necessitate routine but are willing to deviate from them when we go on vacation, for instance. So, just listen to your inner voice, and if you're more of an adventurer, go off the beaten path more often and go with your gut.
14. Avoid addictions
No need to say that alcohol, drugs, and other substances are harmful. Abstain completely from them. The problem is that some people have an addictive personality and tend to jump on everything—coffee, sugar, fast fashion, fast love, gaming—to solve these problems. To find the way, you might even need professional assistance. Except for fast fashion, we do not have any solutions to any of this.😉
15. Watch your posture
As my ballet instructor used to say, walk into a room with your inner light and avoid backaches. Place your body in a neutral position so that your pelvis, trunk, and head are in line for good posture at all times. If you spend a lot of time working on your computer, you should stretch like a cat every now and then during the day. It's wonderful!
This concludes our list of sustainable health and wellness tips. We love to hear if it works for you, and it does for us. Do you have any additional advice you'd like to share? Use the Contact Us form or the comments section to let us know.
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