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Simple Ways to Boost Your Hydration and Improve Your Health

12 easy ways to drink more water are listed below. 

Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining optimal health because your body is about 70% water.

Water keeps your blood pressure and electrolyte balance in check, lubricates joints, regulates body temperature, and promotes cell health in your body.

Even though everyone agrees that staying hydrated is essential, doing so can sometimes be challenging.

Drinking Water

1. Understand your fluid needs

Understanding your body's fluid requirements is essential before making the decision to drink more water.

64 ounces (1,920 ml), or 8 cups, of water per day is a common recommendation that is not supported by science.

Men should drink 125 ounces (3,700 ml) of fluid per day, while women should drink 90 ounces (2,700 ml), which includes fluid from food, beverages, and other sources.

However, NAM acknowledges that it is not ideal to make general recommendations regarding fluid requirements due to the fact that these factors vary depending on your activity level, location, health, and more.

For the majority, simply drinking water to quench your thirst will satisfy your fluid requirements. However, if you regularly exercise, work outside, or live in a hot area, you may need more fluids.

2. Set a daily goal

You can increase your water intake by setting a daily goal.

Setting a goal can be a good way to get motivated and increase your likelihood of making lasting changes.

SMART goals, which stand for the following criteria, should be effective.

. Specific
. Measurable
. Attainable
. Realistic
. Time-bound

One SMART water consumption goal, for instance, might be to drink 32 ounces (960 milliliters) of water each day.

Recording your progress can also help you stay motivated to reach your goal and make it a habit.

3. Keep a reusable water bottle with you

Throughout the day, carrying around a water bottle can encourage you to drink more water.

If you have a water bottle that can be reused, you can drink water anywhere, including while running errands, traveling, at home, at work, or at school.

Additionally, a water bottle can act as a visual cue to drink more water. You will always be reminded to drink more if you see the bottle on your desk or table.

Additionally, it is better for the environment than using plastic water bottles that are only used once.

4. Set reminders

Using an app or your smartphone's or smartwatch's alarm, you can also set reminders to drink more water.

Try setting a reminder to drink a small amount of water every 30 minutes or to finish your current glass of water and refill it every hour, for instance.

If you struggle with forgetfulness or are too busy to drink, these reminders can help you drink more water.

5.  Replace other drinks with water

By substituting water for other drinks like sports drinks and soda, you can drink more water, improve your health, and consume fewer calories.

These drinks frequently contain a lot of sugar that has been added, which can be very bad for your health.

Keep added sugar to less than 5% of your daily calories for optimal health. This limit can only be exceeded by drinking one 8-ounce (240 ml) cup of soda per day.

Obesity and other conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease have been linked to diets high in added sugars.

In addition, drinking water in place of these sugary drinks is a simple and inexpensive way to cut calories, possibly assisting you in losing weight.

6. Drink one glass of water before each meal

Young woman drinking

Make it a habit to drink one glass of water before each meal, which is another easy way to get more water in.

Three additional cups (720 milliliters) of water are added to your daily intake if you consume three meals.

Additionally, your body may occasionally mistake feelings of hunger for thirst. You can determine whether you are truly hungry by sipping water before eating.

In addition, if you're trying to lose weight, drinking water before a meal may help you eat fewer calories.

7. Get a water filter

In America, most faucet water is protected to drink. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you have worries about the quality or wellbeing of your faucet water, consider buying a water channel.

There is a channel for pretty much every spending plan, from exorbitant entire home water filtration frameworks to cheap water-sifting pitchers.

What's more, sifting your water could work on the taste.

Mark of-purpose water channels, for example, water-sifting pitchers or channels that connect straightforwardly to a fixture, can diminish levels of waterborne microorganisms, lead, and arsenic in debased regular water to safe levels.

Utilizing a water channel is likewise more affordable and more eco-accommodating than buying filtered water, which is customarily the same than regular water.

8. Flavor your water

There are a lot of options if you don't like the taste of water or just want a little flavor to make you drink more.

One healthy option is to use a water bottle with an inexpensive fruit infusion.

Cucumber-lime, lemon, and strawberry-kiwi are popular fruit combinations for an infuser bottle. However, you can use any fruit combination that appeals to you.

You can also buy powder or liquid water enhancers to add to your water. However, keep in mind that many of these products contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, or other additives that could be harmful to your health.

9. Drink one glass of water per hour at work

Drinking a glass of water each hour you work adds up to 8 cups (1,920 ml) to your daily water intake if you work a standard 8-hour workday.

Drink the remaining water and refill your cup at the end of each hour as soon as you get to work.

Using this method, you'll drink the same amount of water every day at work.

10. Sip throughout the day

Another simple way to help you achieve your fluid goals is to drink water every day.

Drinking water on a regular basis throughout the day will prevent dry mouth and may even improve breath quality.

For a constant visual reminder to drink, keep a glass of water or a reusable bottle in your immediate vicinity and within your line of sight.

11. Eat more foods high in water

Consuming more foods high in water is a simple way to consume more water.

. Lettuce: 96% water
. Celery: 95% water
. Zucchini: 95% water
. Cabbage: 92% water
. Watermelon: 91% water
. Cantaloupe: 90% water
. Honeydew melon: 90% water

In addition to having a high water content, these fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial to your overall health.

12. Drink one glass of water when you wake up and before bed

Drinking one glass when you wake up and another before going to bed is an easy way to get more water in.

Drinking a glass of ice water in the morning can help you get up and be more alert.

Additionally, drinking water before going to bed may prevent you from waking up with bad breath and a dry mouth.

The bottom line

Drinking enough water is essential to good health.

The majority of people, according to the National Academy of Medicine, require between 90 and 125 ounces (2,700 and 3,700 milliliters) of fluid each day, which includes fluid from food, beverages, and water.

However, if you are busy, frequently forget to drink, or dislike the taste of water, it can be challenging to drink water on a regular basis.

You can increase your daily water intake by choosing one of these 12 straightforward suggestions.

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