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Healthy Affordable Eating Tips

5 healthy eating tips 

1. Keep up fruit and vegetable intake 

In a lockdown, it can be hard to buy, store, and cook fresh vegetables, especially when parents are told to limit trips outside the house. However, it is essential to ensure that children continue to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

When you can, buy fresh produce whenever you can. When possible, fruits and vegetables can be frozen to retain most of their nutrients and flavor in addition to being consumed fresh. If you cook a lot of soups, stews, or other dishes with fresh vegetables, they will keep for longer and provide a few days' worth of meals. When possible, these can also be frozen and quickly reheated.

2. Swap in healthy dried or canned alternatives when fresh produce is not available

Produce that is fresh is almost always the best choice, but when it isn't, there are many healthy alternatives that are simple to store and prepare.

Canned beans and chickpeas are loaded with nutrients, can be stored for months or even years, and can be incorporated into numerous dishes. Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and a variety of vitamins and minerals are all found in abundance in canned oily fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel. These can be cooked into a warm meal or used cold in salads, sandwiches, and pasta dishes.

Tomatoes, for example, are a good example of a vegetable that can be used as a last resort when fresh or frozen produce are unavailable. However, canned vegetables tend to have fewer vitamins than fresh produce.
Dried foods like beans, pulses, and grains like rice, couscous, quinoa, split peas, lentils, and split peas are also good, long-lasting, filling options that are also affordable. With yoghurt, chopped fruits, or raisins, rolled oats cooked with milk or water can be a delicious breakfast option.

3. Build up a stock of healthy snacks

Children often need to eat a snack or two during the day to keep them going. Rather than giving kids sweets or salty snacks, opt for healthier options like nuts, cheese, yoghurt (preferably unsweetened), chopped or dried fruits, boiled eggs, or other locally available healthy options. These foods are nutritious, more filling, and help build healthy eating habits that last a lifetime. 

4. Limit highly processed foods 

Even though it may not always be possible to use fresh produce, you should try to limit the amount of highly processed foods in your shopping basket. Saturated fat, sugar, and salt are frequently found in abundance in ready-to-eat meals, packaged snacks, and desserts. Look at the label if you buy processed foods and try to choose healthier options that contain fewer of these ingredients. Also, try to drink plenty of water instead of sugary beverages. A great way to give water an extra kick of flavor is to add slices of lemon, lime, cucumber, or berries.

5. Make cooking and eating a fun and meaningful part of your family routine

Making meals together is a wonderful way to establish healthy routines, fortify family ties, and have fun. When you can, get your kids involved in the preparation of food. Younger kids can help with the washing and sorting of food, while older kids can help set the table and do more complicated things.
As a family, try to adhere to set mealtimes as much as possible. In stressful situations, such structures and routines can help children feel less anxious.

Advice for breastfeeding children

Breastmilk is still a great source of nutrition for children aged 6 to 24 months and beyond. If a woman has COVID-19, she can continue to breastfeed. However, they should practice respiratory hygiene while feeding and wear a mask if one is available; Before and after touching the baby, they must wash their hands; and disinfect surfaces they have touched on a regular basis. Mothers who are unable to breastfeed due to the virus or other complications should be supported in any way they can to safely provide their newborns with breastmilk.

Families all over the world are being disrupted by the coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-19). Many parents are finding themselves stuck at home for the majority of the day juggling childcare, full-time work, and other competing responsibilities as schools and childcare centers close. determining "What's for dinner?" can be an additional daily obstacle.


Some foods may now be difficult to find due to panic buying and disruptions to food supply systems, making things even more difficult. Additionally, food shopping is becoming an additional financial challenge for many individuals due to unemployment and lost income.


Even though it's understandable that many parents look to ready-to-eat and processed foods as a quick and inexpensive way to feed their families, there are healthy, affordable alternatives. Here are five ways to support your children's growth and development while also instilling healthy eating habits by providing them with a varied, nutritious diet.

Food hygiene tips during coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

Although there is currently no evidence that food or food packaging is associated with the transmission of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), it is possible for people to become infected by touching their face after touching a surface or object that has been contaminated with the virus. However, being in close proximity to other people while shopping for food or receiving a food delivery poses the greatest risk. When handling food, good hygiene is always important to prevent food-borne illnesses.
Dispose of any unnecessary packaging in a lidded trash can. Before being opened or stored, cans can be disinfected by wiping them clean with a disinfectant. Use an alcohol-based hand rub or wash your hands immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Under running water, thoroughly wash unpackaged produce, like fruits and vegetables.

General food hygiene tips

1) Before preparing any food, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and 
    water for at least 20 seconds.

2) When preparing raw fish and meat, use separate chopping boards.

3) At the recommended temperature, cook food.

4) Keep perishable items refrigerated or frozen whenever possible, and be 
    aware of product expiration dates.

5) Make it a goal to recycle or dispose of food waste and packaging in a 
    sanitary manner, avoiding the accumulation of trash that could attract pests.

6) Before eating, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 
    20 seconds. Do the same for your children.

7) Always use plates and utensils that are clean.

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